Links I Like is a collection of blogs, articles and books I’ve come across recently and thought they were worth sharing. Click here for past Links I Like.
Adam Ramsey on 5 ways to bomb a sermon.
By far the most common mistake I see early on in preachers is telling your students what they ought to do, without showing them again and again what Jesus has done.
Ryan Huguley on 5 reasons why your resolutions will fail.
An estimated 92% of all people fail to follow through on the resolutions they set. Some people are critical of resolutions for this very reason. The reality is, when pursued through typical means, new year’s resolutions produce typical results – which is to say, none.
Frank Bruni on In 2014, tweet less, read more.
For more than two decades, there’s been a celebration of slow food. Over the last few years, we’ve proved receptive to slow TV. What we really need is slow debate. It would trade the sugary highs and lows of rapid-fire outrage for a more balanced diet. We’d be healthier. Probably happier, too.
Mark Driscoll on The porn brain.
As Dr. Struthers writes, “Pornography teaches its students to focus on the physiology of sexual sensations and not on the relationships for which these sensations are intended.” Ultimately porn defiles the concept of intimacy and destroys the original God-glorifying intent for sex. By consistently pursuing pornography, men “have unknowingly created a neurological circuit that imprisons their ability to see women rightly as created in God’s image,” Struthers concludes.
Don’t make a resolution, find a word.
What if one word could transform your life?
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