We had a great Christmas Eve service and broke through 200 for the first time! It was awesome to see so many first time and second time guests. Way to go on taking that huge step to invite people. If you missed Christmas Eve, you can listen to the message here.
Because I don’t want you to miss anything, here is how we are kicking off 2011 at Revolution.
This Saturday, January 1st, we are back to our regular schedule with a service at 5pm at 6620 E 22nd St. and we are having a special service on “The One Thing.” Many of us will make New Year’s Resolutions, but very few of us will keep them. Even fewer will actually do the one thing this year that God has called them to. We will be looking at 4 questions we need to ask to figure out what is the “one thing” God is calling each of us to in 2011.
Many of you have asked and yes, there is still time to give to the Christmas offering. You can do so online before the end of the year, or on Saturday night. We have had requests to give to the Christmas offering into January because of bonuses and other things, so you can do that through the month of January. This is a great opportunity for us as a church to bless the city and community around us and help to move the gospel forward outside the 4 walls of Revolution.
Don’t forget, we are kicking off a brand new series on the book of James called “Give Me Faith” on January 8th. Be on the lookout for the James study guide in the next week and be prepared to have your faith stretched as look at how to follow Jesus in everyday life and to be on mission to move the gospel forward where we live.
We will also begin our sign ups for our spring small groups at the beginning of January, so be on the lookout for that.
Lots of great things happening and coming up at Revolution. Can’t wait to get started. Join me in asking God to stretch us, challenge us, take us out of our comfort zones and that he would move in powerful ways as we help people find their way back to God. It is going to be a great spring at Revolution.
Filed under: church, community, faith, messages, new testament, revolution church Tagged: 2011, christmas offering, community, doubt, faith, give me faith, james, new year's resolutions, revolution church, small groups, tucson